American Marketing Association
Marketing Week 2021
During this year's AMA Marketing Week, which was held October 4th to 8th, the UW-Eau Claire AMA chapter provided professional and personal growth resources to our members. These resources were posted via our social media platforms and are shared on this webpage for continual use throughout the academic year.
To learn more about AMA's 2021. Marketing Week, visit the AMA Marketing Week webpage
Monday's resource is about taking advantage of MOOC's (Massive Open Online Courses). Platforms offer (often free!) courses and certifications in wide-ranging of topics. Taking the time and effort to go through these courses not only grow you professionally, but helps stand you out from other applicants. Examples of these are Hubspot Academy, LinkedIn Learning, and Harvard Open Courses.
As of October 2021, there are over 1,750,000 podcasts being aired. Out of this number, there is a huge segment that are great educational resources. As college students, podcasts are great ways to build yourself professionally and personally through your busy schedule. Put a podcast on during your walk to campus, when making food, or when you are closing your eyes for a break! Our favorite professional podcasts include HBR IdeaCast, Accounting Best Practices with Steve Bragg, and Women at Work. Take a listen!
Blogs are a great way to stay entertained and educate yourself further in a fun, creative way! This type of media has become increasingly popular over the last few years and has taken on many forms. Some are simple and others challenge your way of thinking. Some blogs to grow your professional and personal development include "Hubspot Blog", "The Moz Blog", and "The Content Strategist". Check these out or consider writing your own!
"When Looking for a Job? Highlight Your Ability, Not Your Experience"
Jason Shen, a science major who went into tech instead, explains that many businesses who overvalue experience are missing out on quality applicants. He shares his own story and advice for convincing the hiring committee of your ability to do the job well and implores all employers to follow industry leaders in thinking outside the box on recruiting new personnel. This Ted Talk is a great resource for not only employers to watch, but jobseekers as well.
Personal and Professional Development: Through AMA
Friday's resource highlights the value of AMA memberships and encourages our members to take advantage of the offerings that memberships hold. Through an AMA membership, members are given access to free online trainings, toolkits, and crucial insights. The skills, tools, ad knowledge that AMA memberships are given access to is sure to promote personal and professional growth within individuals.