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AMA Hosts 3rd Annual Regional Conference

This past Friday on February 19th, the UW-Eau Claire American Marketing Association hosted their 3rd annual Regional Conference here on campus in Davies. The theme for the conference was Fail Fast, Succeeded Faster.

The conference consisted of two keynote speakers, nine breakout speakers, two sales competitions, one marketing strategies competition, a LinkedIn photo area, and lastly a space for companies to recruit at. The conference was sponsored by many companies including Impact Networking who provided free business pad folios and business card holders. Lindsey Everson, the sales manager for Leinenkugel’s was the first key note speaker and Matt Michael, the sales manager for Impact was the second. Both talked about the importance of learning from your failures and their journey in the business world.

The UWEC AMA chapter also had quite a few members compete in the conference as well. Congrats to Pauline Ferre who competed in the Impact Sales Competition. Another congrats to the three Eau Claire teams that competed in the marketing strategies competition. Lastly, a big shout out to Megan Koenig, Amanda Bower, Claire Mugge, and Michaela Perz for receiving first place in the marketing strategies competition.

Thank you to everyone who helped to make this conference a success!

If you are interested in joining AMA, it is never too late! AMA hosts professional speakers and workshops every Thursday at 6 p.m. in Centennial 2614. For more information or general questions, email President Sam Nechkash at or visit

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