AMA Hears from Impressive Speakers and Participates in Director’s Retreat
AMA has had several events and meetings since the Fall Regional Conference season has ended. The organization has heard from two successful speakers, completed the American Marketing Association Career Development Certificate, and had their semi-annual Director’s Retreat.
AMA heard from UWEC alumni and current owner of Satellite Six, Ben Stroinski. Ben shared his personal story on the creation of Satellite Six as well as several interesting tips for members. Members even discovered that Ben is the creator of the current, well-known UWEC Blugold mascot. AMA also heard from Erik Norsted from Olive & Company at their general meeting last week. Erik gave members some exceptional tips for college and life in the business world while discussing his life and career at Olive & Company.
After the general meeting November 2, members participated in a Career Development Certificate Workshop put on by the executive board. As part of the American Marketing Association membership, members get access to certificate programs that are both helpful and an excellent addition to a resume.
The day after the certificate workshop, directors went to Metropolis Resort to discuss the upcoming regional conference themes and duties. Directors then participated in fun team building activities and spent some time playing lazer tag, rock climbing, and go-karting at Action City.